New approval certificates for MC-Color

Mar 29, 2017

At the beginning of 2016, MC-Bauchemie introduced MC-Color onto the market, a completely new, modular surface coating program that combines outstanding application properties with excellent technical performance in relation to the protection, coloration, graffiti protection and crack-bridging of concrete surfaces. And now MC-Color comes with a new set of test and approval certificates to underline its technical qualities.
Unique crack-bridging capabilities with MC-Color Flex vision 
The product line MC-Color offers highly flexible crack-bridging and pigmented coatings for the protection of external concrete surfaces exposed to weathering. Now, an independent approval authority has tested the crack-bridging properties of MC-Color Flex vision, the high-end variant of the MC-Color Flex product line, in accordance with EN 1062-7:2004-08, and certified it with crack-bridging class B4.1 (determined at -20 °C). This is unique for pigmented coatings in this field – there are no other products in the marketplace capable of matching its performance. MC-Color Flex vision also exhibits good dirt-repelling properties, an integrated greening protection agent and extremely good cold flexibility. It provides absolutely reliable protection for weather-exposed concrete surfaces, while at the same time enhancing their aesthetic allure. The ready-to-use pure acrylate dispersion is open to vapour diffusion; it is carbonation-retarding, resistant to frost and de-icing salts and also maintains its colour shade as it is able to withstand both UV and weathering.
The first transparent concrete protection systems to appear in the BASt list
The Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen (BASt – Germany’s Highways Authority) has included MC-Color Proof pro and MC-Color Proof vision in its list of certified materials and material systems compliant to the German civil engineering code of practice ZTV-ING, Part 3, Section 4 (SIB) Surface Protection Systems (OS-B). This means it is approved for use on structures and building components on federal highways. Both products maintain the concrete character of structural and building component surfaces, exhibit excellent dirt-repelling properties and offer outstanding general protection. MC-Color Proof pro is the only transparent yet fully fledged concrete protection coating available on the competitive market. With MC-Color Proof vision, MC is also able to offer a transparent, matt-drying and hydrophobic polyurethane polymer combination with integrated easy-to-clean technology which offers permanent graffiti protection in addition to the properties of the pro version. Both products boast excellent fire behaviour to class B-s1, d0, which means they are of low flammability and do not produce burning droplets or debris, nor do they give rise to smoke or fume development. 
Excellent fire behaviour for OS-4 and 5a systems from MC
All the surface coatings of the pigmented product lines MC-Color Flair and MC-Color Flex have been certified in combination with fine fillers in accordance with the DAfStb (German Commission for Reinforced Concrete) concrete repair guidelines and the ZTV-ING code as grade OS-4/OS-C and OS-5a/OS-DII systems. They have achieved out-standing results in fire tests to EN 13501-1. The fire behaviour of all systems has been classified with A2-s1, d0, i.e. they are non-combustible and do not produce burning droplets, burning debris, smoke or fumes. Thus, contractors and users can rely on the fact that these MC-Color surface coatings will not contribute to fire spread. 
About MC-Color 
MC-Color is the new, modular surface coating program from MC for the protection and coloration of concrete surfaces. It consists of the product lines MC-Color Proof, MC-Color Flair and MC-Color Flex, each augmented by the performance variants pure, pro and vision. With this toolbox of highly modern surface coating systems, clients, developers, planners, architects and applicators will find the right solution for every application. All products are water-repelling, open to vapour diffusion and carbonation-retarding, as well as being dirt-repelling, and resistant to UV and weathering. The performance features increase from pure (“standard”) through pro (“professional”) to vision (“high-end”), enabling different products to be specifically selected in accordance with the requirements of each individual application. All the products in this family can be applied by both rolling and using the airless spray technique, and they are certified to EN 1504 Part 2.
Your Contacts
Werner Baumgart, Global Product Manager Concrete Repair & Surface Protection
Saki Moysidis, PR-Manager

Unique crack-bridging capabilities with MC-Color Flex vision
Unique crack-bridging capabilities with MC-Color Flex vision
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