New OS 10 car park coating system
MC-Bauchemie has developed a new OS 10 surface protection system with excellent crack-bridging capacity and integrated Kinetic-Boost Technology®, enabling it to be applied even in damp conditions and over an extended temperature range of 2 °C to 35 °C.
New OS 10 car park coating system – fast-acting and with exceptional crack-bridging properties
Mar 12, 2020
MC-Bauchemie has developed a new OS 10 surface protection system with excellent crack-bridging capacity and integrated KineticBoost Technology®, enabling it to be applied even in damp conditions and over an extended temperature range of 2 °C to 35 °C. It cures much more quickly than conventional OS 10 coatings, with rain resistance occurring after just 30 minutes. An important component of the new surface protection system is the new roller coating MC-Floor TopSpeed flex plus. This functions as an elastic seal with an exceptional crack-bridging capability. The new OS 10 system from MC-Bauchemie is thus ideal for placement on car park decks, particularly that exposed to weathering or otherwise susceptible to cracking.
When building or repairing multi-storey or underground car parks, ensuring that the reinforced concrete is properly protected from chloride ingress and that all the cracks, gaps and joints are made thoroughly watertight are prime concerns. Aside from the need for suitably robust and durable solutions, there is a requirement in the case of refurbishment jobs for minimal disruption and downtime so that the car park can be put back into service as quickly as possible. The newly tested and approved OS 10 multi-coat surface protection system from MC-Bauchemie meets all these demands.
Fast application plus outstanding crack-bridging, waterproofing, and mechanical resistance
MC's new OS 10 system consists of the primer MC-Floor TopSpeed SC, the two-coat waterproofing layer MC-Floor TopSpeed flex plus, the dry-shake coating MC-Floor TopSpeed including a sprinkling of quartz sand, and the sealing top coat MC-Floor TopSpeed. If required, the primer can be followed by a scratch/key coat of MC-Floor TopSpeed SC. Whereas some OS 10 systems use different binders within the layer sequence – with a reduction in adhesion often the result – the entire structure of the new OS 10 surface protection solution from MC uses the same binder component throughout, based on KineticBoost-Technology®. This ensures that there is no degradation in adhesive effect. All components of the system, for which MC has been issued a general building authority test certificate (abP) confirming its OS 10 classification, harness moisture from the environment to strengthen and accelerate the curing reaction. This ensures exceptional adhesion to all common concrete substrates. It also results in top values for abrasion resistance, scratch resistance and crack-bridging (dynamic, class IVT+V, at -20 °C, according to German code TL/TP BEL-B3).
Indeed, after 15,000 test cycles in the Parking Abrasion Test (PAT), a procedure that simulates and tests the wear of a car park deck coating under realistic tyre-contact conditions, MC's new OS 10 coating system is found to achieve the best wear-resistance class of VK 1, all of which serves to underline its exceptional toughness and resilience for long service lifetimes.
Ideal for car park decks susceptible to both cracking and weathering
MC's new OS 10 system is also resistant to UV radiation and yellowing, making it ideal not just for coating car park surfaces that are highly susceptible to cracking, but also those exposed to the elements.
In addition to the combination of exceptional crack-bridging capabilities, high mechanical wear resistance and durability, MC's OS 10 system also offers very good cleanability as defined in EN 11998. And it has a fire rating of Bfl-s1. This means that the coating is flame-retardant and develops no or very little smoke in the event of a fire – properties of particular significance for the safety of underground and multi-storey car parks.
Car park coatings in just two days
With the new OS 10 system from MC, complete car park coatings can be applied within two days without enclosure or heating – even under adverse environmental conditions – and are ready for a full traffic load after just a few hours. This saves planning professionals and developers both time and money while also ensuring essential scheduling reliability.
Your contact:
Saki M. Moysidis, PR-Manager

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