
  • Contains no chloride
  • Improvement in cohesion and in resisting, freezing and thawing cycle
  • Improves the resilience and water retaining capacity of the mix
  • Improves the plasticity of the mix
  • Compatible with most of the other MC-Admxitures
  • Improves the resilience and water retaining capacity of the mix thereby making the mix more workable accompanied with ease incompaction.
  • Entrains numerous micropores of diameter less than 0.2 mm in concrete, converting the existing micropores to microscopic
    bubbles. Through this process of micropore building, the demand of fine contents in concrete is reduced by approximately 20 kg/m3 per every additional 1% volume of air entrained, without affecting the consistency of the mix.
  • A very high resistance is imparted to the hardened concrete when attacked by deicing salts
  • Imparts a higher imperviousness and resistance to aggressive influences to concrete or mortar mix
  • Bleeding in fresh concrete is suppressed and segregation is avoided
  • Reduces honeycombs in the concrete or mortar. Therefore a homogenous and monolithic texture of concrete is guaranteed
  • Lowers the water content in the mix thereby making up for the decrease in strength generally accompanying the air entrainment


  • Used in mortar, normal and light weight aggregate concrete
  • Suitable in formulation of all type of concrete including pre-stressed concrete
  • Very effective in preparation of plaster and pointing mortars


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